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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Ice Day Creations

Valentine's Cards

Hello....Today was s bit of a city lock down lol We don't get severe cold weather here much in South Central Texas but today we experienced freezing rain, sleet and an occasional snowflake. They begged that we don't go out and about unless you have to so we just stayed inside and stayed warm. That gave me plenty of time to take a nap and stamp a little.

It's a little hard to tell in the picture but this card is just a little 3 x 4 note card.

This one as well is just a note card size. 4 x 4.25

These next two are both full sized cards at 4.25 x 5.5.

So the common thread here is I took some pieces of scrap Shimmery White cardstock and played with some Brusho color crystals.

All I did was wipe some water across the paper with an Aqua Painter and then sprinkle some Brilliant Red Brusho on it and then spritzed it a few times with water. I then let it sit to dry.....(this is where the nap time came in). hahaha Once I came back and they were dry I used the Lots To Love framelits and cut out various heart shapes from them. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to make but I figured I might as well just cut what I can out of it and play around with what I had, as you can figure I still have some left overs. Bonus....I'll have some more to play with at a different session.

So that's pretty much how I spent my "snow day" if you will.

If you have any specific questions on what I did or how I did it just let me know. I really just wanted to share with you how I spent my day! LOL

Have a great rest of your day.....HAPPY STAMPING....CAROL

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