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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Warm & Toasty again

Hello Everyone and Welcome.

Today as promised I have another Warm & Toasty card to share with you. This one is a CASE card from the Holiday Mini catalog. I was having a little trouble getting inspired and when that happens i try to CASE from the catalog because it gets me going again. Most times anyway. LOL

So if you look on page 42 of the mini you'll find the original that I copied from. But let me go over what I did with you.

I'm going to start of tho by showing you the complete stamp set.

So CUTE right???

Alright, so for the background I cut a couple pieces of the Feels Like Frost designer series paper. I cut the pieces into two different 4 x 5 inch pieces. and when I say different I mean different pattern dsp. I then sliced them into 5 one inch pieces. This gave me several prints to work with. But you could always use as many different prints as you like just make sure your strips are 4 x 1 inch each and you'll need 5 of them. So I adhered those strips to my card base of seaside spray cardstock. I then die cut an oval from the foil side of one of the prints in this same pack. There's one that is dotted and looked like snowflakes. So Cute.

Setting that all aside I stamped the big polar bear in memento ink and then just colored in the small parts of the scarf. Super Fast and easy, then I fussy cut him out. Next I stamped the sentiment and trimmed it down to size. After that I just layered it all together adding a strip of the basket weave mint ribbon and a few of the sequins for everything for embellishment. I'll have a full product list below incase you need to pick up anything in my online store. Just click the pictures and it will take you to my store.

I hope this has inspired you to use the catalog not only for products but for inspiration on what to make with those products. I certainly use them a lot to get me jump started on those days when I just don't know what to make.

Thank You so much for coming by....Have a great day and HAPPY STAMPING ....... CAROL


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