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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Moo's and Oinks

Hello Everyone, and Welcome

Do you ever have one of those days or maybe even weeks where you can't seem to get anything done on your planned To Do List? That has been my week so far.....I have gotten a lot done, but it's NOTHING that was on the plan LOL

I finally had to just stop and admit that I no longer have control, I'm not sure when exactly that I lost that control but wow, it's gone hahahaha. There's always next week or even tomorrow right?

Alright let's aim this back to the cute and adorable Moo's and Oinks I have to share with you today.

This first card was just a play at putting these two sets together. I have a mix of old and new products and I figured since we were in the middle of the last month of the old and standing on the verge of the new I would mash these up. The old that is sadly sold out is the Wood Textured 6x6 dsp. I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't use this stuff nearly as much as I should have but it's just lovely. I do believe though that one of the new incoming designer series paper packs has some wood grain sheets in it. Meaning that you probably could recreate a version of this idea if you like it and don't already have this DSP.

I just made this layout by trimming a piece of the dsp to 4 x 5.25 and then using a 2 inch circle punch I punched a couple spots out on the edges before I adhered the dsp to the card base of thick whisper white. Oh, I also stamped the images of the cow and the pig before adding the paper as well. I used markers and stampin' blends to color in the animals

The sentiment was stamped in early espresso ink and I punched it out using the classic label punch. I adhered some mini stampin dimensionals to the back and added it to the card. I finished of with a bit of a bakers twine bow. (side note: I pulled a few strands off the bakers twine to get a more wispier looking bow. Linen Thread would work great for this as well. I just wasn't sure where it had run off to at the time.

I hope you enjoy this fun little card. I was happy to just be able to make into the stamp room for a little while today. I feel my days are slipping away lately and I just don't have time to do all I want to do. Man I don't know what it is. Hopefully I can get a handle on them soon though. Summer is approaching and things are about to get really crazy around here with lots of family visits.I need to get an organized plan in place hahahaha yeah about that. LOL

I'm rambling so I'm going to get out of here and I'll leave you with a product list and a heads up that if you haven't gotten your catalog from me yet....know it's on it's way. one of my west coast ladies got hers on Monday I think it was so it's coming. If you are visiting me and don't already have a demonstrator I would be happy to send you a catalog. You just need to email me and I can get one sent to ya.


Have a great day and THANK YOU so much for stopping in.



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