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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Onstage Swap Cards

My swap card design Onstage 2019

Hello and Welcome...

I'd like to start off by saying that I survived my Very First Onstage Event! Wow let me tell you it was a lot of fun! Whew....! Having never been before and not knowing how it was going to play out. I got there about 7:30 am because, well I wanted to be sure I made it on time for registration and such. I thought I would be one of the first ones there and I could have time to scope it out and see what it was all about. I figured the doors wouldn't even be open yet and I would have time to collect myself. I get anxiety when I am going somewhere unfamiliar and the weather was supposed to potentially be bad so the roads could get ugly and I was like well be early take it all in and just move at my pace. LOL WRONG!

hahahaha I was far from the first person there, and I could just feel the electricity in the place from all of the excitement. Everyone was buzzing around, meeting up and readying themselves to start swapping and planning their attack. LOL I was alone and didn't know anyone around so I thought well I'll just get in line and start talking to the people around me. Nervously watching my phone for a sign that someone else I knew would show up! LOL I feel like a fish out of water in these types of situations. It's all in my head of course because once I start talking to people I calm down and am just fine. LOL Ugh the fear of the unknown. I'm my own worst obstacle sometimes. Okay press on I got this....! Just calm down it will be okay!

Then sweetest lady that I didn't know walked up to me a commented on how she saw me getting out of the car out front and loved that my bag matched my shirt. She probably didn't know it but that was such a nice thing to do and oddly enough calmed me down and made me smile. Is that silly? Just the smallest of gestures but it really helped me to feel relaxed and included in some strange way. Sigh .... yes I'm around my tribe.

So now we wait...eventually I found a face I knew....My Downline Darlene. Sweet she made it and I was watching her talking and visiting with people I know she didn't know and she was taking pics of the display boards and oohing and ahhhing over the samples. Sweet one less thing I need to fret about. She made it and she's doing great! Then I only had one more lady I was looking out for. Someone who was coming to town and didn't know anyone and was referred to me and asked if I would pal with her. Sure.....LOL I know first hand what it's like being in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar faces....I mean look at me now? LOL so I shoot her a text earlier and let her know I'm headed there and I'll try to meet up with her. She text me and said she was on her way...she was just a short walk from the venue. Okay cool! All is well in Carol's mind hahahaha Then from that moment on it was all a blur! hahaha once they opened the check i n and we were on the move went crazy in there. So much excitement and buzz. I made into the ballroom before my downline and the out of town person so I went to find us a table. It was a little crazy I got shoo'd away a couple times but I found two very sweet ladies that were willing to let me crash their table. "But I have two that okay?" "Sure" they say...heck yeah.....I made it.

Then the swapping began. People were walking around asking if were were swapping.....Oh swaps? yes....I have some of those hahahahahaha Wow that was a lot of fun. We were just sitting there at our table and they were coming to us! Now I know we are supposed to "MINGLE" but it turns out our table was dead center in the middle of the room and everyone was walking by. Convenient! hahahaha So now after that really long story I have swaps to share.

Now the following are the swaps that I received. Some of them didn't have the persons name so If you are visiting and see your card please leave me a comment and let me know so I can get you credited for your work. Thank You to everyone who swapped ideas with me. I had such a great time.

here we go.....

This card is from the Share What You Love stamp set Creator:Unknown

This card uses the Beautiful Bouquet stamp set. Creator: Andrea Cavitt

Here we have the lovely Petal Promenade DSP I'm not sure on the stamps. Creator: Barbara Mau

This lovely creation was from my downline and she also used the Petal Promenade DSP with the lovely basket weave embossing folder.

Creator: Dazzles By Darlene

These adorable puppies are just too cute! Aren't they? Creator: Dava Tutt

I didn't get a chance to get this set and dies but it's so pretty! Creator: Robin Tipton

This card uses the Tropical Chic set and dies and is no doubt a favorite of mine. LOVE! Creator: Tracy Blakely

This is another card I was super excited about. It was my First Swap Card at my First SU Event! It uses the Let It Ride stamp set that I was happy to see made it to the new catalog! Love this card! Now I need to get that textured set...uh....Gallery Grunge Stamp Set.

Creator: Mari Fredericks

This was a fun Birthday card that sadly din't have a creator listed. If it's yours please let me know so I can credit you.

This so pretty! Sadly another where the Creator is Unknown. Love the card tho Thank You for swapping with me.

I know the stamp set is Dragonfly Dreams but sadly I don't know the Creator. Unknown

This lovely creation had the recipe on the back, THANK YOU but sadly no creator listed. I love the use of the two embossing folders Country Floral and Subtle. That sentiment I believe comes from the Buttrfly Gala stamp set....Hint: it is moving forward to the new catalog Yaaaaay!

Tropical Chic and Fabulous Flamingo stamp sets you know this one is a favorite because of that flamingo! Fabulous Flamingo I'm pretty certain didn't make the new catalog...but this set will always be in my collection. LOVE! Creator: Tameria Lindley

Another card that was Creator: Unknown but I think this was from a kit we've had. I'm just not sure. Love the card though. Pink and Floral always gets my attention hahaha

Thoughtful Banners and Piece of Cake stamp sets. LOVE this because A) I have the cake set and B) it's a great colorway! Nice looking card.

Creator: Terri Threadgill

Beautiful You stamp set Tufted embossing folder Pearilized Doily. Lovely card and combination. Sadly no Creator. If it's yours please let me know so I can credit you! Thank You so much for the idea.

Super Sweet get well card but again no creator to credit. Love this rose set though.

This card comes from the Butterfly Gala set and punch! So very pretty and so excited these products are sticking around.

Creator: Unknown

This is the Country Home stamp set from the Holiday catalog that...YES! will be in the new catalog. I'm so happy! I really like the milk can and Pitcher that are in this set. This dear creator was nice enough to swap twice with me because I had chose this card and then noticed her Flamingo card LOL Thank YOu sO Much! Creator: Tameria Lindley

For my last swap to share I have an adorable creation from Cindee Wilkinson. I have to say I sort of #Fan"ned out on her. I had recognized her from following her online and stopped her to say HI! What a geek right? She took it well and even swapped with me. How cute is this bunny treat???

Thank You Cindee

Well that is all the swapping that I did. I hope you have enjoyed this look at them all. Tomorrow my plan is to share with you some of the make n takes that we made yesterday at Onstage. (hint) it's with the new products that are coming in June! So be sure to stop back in for that!

Have a great week everyone!

Happy Stamjping.....CAROL

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