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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Abstract Impressions

Hello and Welcome, in previous posts I've mentioned that things have been a bit crazy and unsure around here but I can happily say things are starting to level out! Yaaaaaay! So Now going forward I should be able to again focus more on updating this blog regularly once again. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Now today's card is one from the Annual Catalog set called Abstract Impressions. As far as flower sets go I'm a huge fan. I couldn't even tell you exactly what it is about this set that I like the most but I love the bold lines and ease of use. Not a lot of precise placement needed.

I started with a base of Flirty Flamingo cardstock that I cut to 8.5 x 5.5 and scored at 4.25. Using a layer of whisper white cardstock I cut it to 4 x 5.25. I stamped the stems in Soft Sea Foam and Granny Apple Green. I stamped the flower buds in Petal Pink and Flirty Flamingo inks. I cut a length of the Variegated Ribbon just longer than the card front and adding a bit of snail to the back of the layer I wrapped the ribbon tucking the ends to the back and securing them on the snail. I then took another small piece of ribbon to tie the knot on the previous ribbon and trimmed the ends. I stamped the sentiment in Granny Apple Green. See you could easily make this layout, and what a sweet card for someone who needs a little pick me up. Now let's take a look at the whole set.

There are a lot of great floral elements to this set and if that's not enough for ya....there is even a designer series paper pack to match this set. I'll have links below to the items in my store.

My project this week is to work on getting my swap cards done for Onstage 2019. If you aren't familiar with what that is it's Stampin' Up! 's annual convention of sorts and I'm super excited to be able to attend my very first one ever! Yaaaay. I'm working on about 50 swap cards to share. Not too many, but enough to get some fun ideas to share with all of you while we wait for the new catalog products to come out. So be looking for that coming the last half of this month.

Alright that's what I have for today! Have a great one and I'll be back tomorrow with more stampin inspiration.



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