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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Throw Back Thursday!

Hey guys, Today is fast becoming a busy day for me but I wanted to take a few minutes and post a little something from way back when! Well the stamps are anyway....I played around a bit with a couple of my all time favorite sets that I have kept around because well....I just love them! You won't find these in any current publications. BUT Seriously they are too cute not to be shared.

Snow Angels is the first card....I believe it's from back in 1999 wow.....and the Loads of Love is the other set from back in 2004. They are both fun sets and I just had to mix them with the New Stampin Blends and the cool and current Textured Impressions Embossing Folders. The new products sure did a great job of sprucing up the old.

Thank You so much for stopping in and I hope your Holiday Festivities are going well!

Happy Stamping....CAROL

Don't forget you can now get the cool Craft & Carry bag for the Stamparatus and we have the Year End Closeout sale going on! Lots of fun stuff to get at a discount price. Check out my store here.

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