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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Card Buffet Class

Card Buffet Class 03/10/18

Hey Guys, I wanted to take a moment and talk about my new class I have coming up on March 10, 2018. I'm going to try out a Card Buffet class. So what is it? Well it works like this... You look over the photo that I have posted above and choose 5 of the 10 cards to make. You'll notice each card has a number. So once you choose which cards you'd like to make, you'll then need email me your choices by Wednesday, March 7th so that I can have all the supplies measured, cut, and ready for you to get to stamping upon your arrival. YES, THIS IS A LOCAL EVENT. You have to attend to make your cards.

This will be open from 10 am to 6 pm. No you don't have to be there the whole time. LOL This is designed as a Come, Make and Go. On your schedule. Now you can take as much time or as little time as needed to get your cards done. All the projects are designed to be easily assembled for New Stampers as well as Seasoned Stampers and I will be there to guide you through the process as needed.

You can get your class fee back if you submit an order of $30 or more the day of the class. I will have catalogs there for you to browse through (If you want to just come and stamp and enjoy the time creating that is encouraged as well). The cost come's out to just $2.00 a card. Oh and if you can't decide on just 5 cards, you can sign up for all 10 of them just double the fee. Class fee on 10 cards would be free with a $60 order. Make sense? If you have any questions please feel free to ask. That is what I'm here for!

This is a great time to get your hands on a variety of our awesome products. You'll get to see how wonderfully all our products coordinate and work together.

I'm so excited to see you there. It's going to be an awesome day of stampin' fun! Don't forget to email me your choices by March 7th at the latest. I will give you the address at that time.

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