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  • Writer's pictureCarol Read

Candy KissTrees - BSU112917

Candy Kiss Trees

Hello and welcome to this weeks Broke Stampers Unite Post. Since we are in our fifth week of this month our focus is on 3D or ABC items. What are ABC items.....well it stands for Anything But a Card. Well it just so happens I have a stamp class this weekend and I made these fun Candy Kisses Trees to use as place holders on my table. I had seen these around the past few weeks and thought they would make fun table treats. So I went to Pinterest of course to find out how to make them. What I found were several and I mean many tutorials out there so I'm not going to delve too deep into it other than give you the measurements. These are really easy and fairly quick to make I'm pretty sure after the first one, it will take you longer to decide what ribbon if any to use.

Here's the video I watched........VIDEO

she can explain this so much better than I can. But here's the measurements

9 3/4 x 1 inch strip

scored at , 6 1/8, 9 1/4

11 x 2 inch strip scored every inch on the long side

then cut in half to give you two 11 x 1 inch strips that are scored.

take one strip and cut it at 4 inches leaving you 4, 7, and 11 inch strips.

once you watch the video it will all make sense. LOL

So that's it for this weeks BSU head on over to Terri's Blog HERE and Stace's Blog HERE to see what they came up with this week. You can also head on over to our Facebook page HERE and play along with us by submitting a card with this weeks challenge to the post dated for this week. We'd love to see what you came up with.

Thank You so much for stopping in. Hope your week is going great!

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